Sunday, 9 December 2012

Getting to the point

The purpose of this blog is not to add 1 more thing to my already busy and full life, but to share my passion for food. It is also to share recipe ideas with others who love food, but struggle to give themselves or their families dynamic great tasting and healthy meals through the week when we are all at our busiest.

I feel the need to add a side note. Some of my meals will include cream and bacon (aka: not healthy), but oh soooo yummy. So, if you want food recipes to lose weight, this blog is not for you. However, I love to experiment, so I will be trying some vegetarian and vegan recipes. I do try to cook healthy, but sometimes this woman needs her comfort food...and bacon. I always need bacon. One of my motto's in life is "balance". So, I will try to offer balanced meal recipes. Wow, that was a really big side note.

My intent is to come up with a meal plan on the weekend  for my upcoming recipes to cook for the week.(failed at this already since I was busy starting this blog). I will also try to get my groceries for those meals on the weekend or I may just do it daily, depends on how organized I am. I find the key to being able to try new recipes frequently is to have a wide variety of ingredients already in my home. I also try to make recipes that:

#1 I know that the freaking ingredient is
#2 that include ingredients that are easily accessible at my local grocer
#3 not crazy expensive

I also will share some cooking tips, adjustments I make in recipes, reviews of the recipes, and anything else that has to do with food that I feel passionate about.

I may not have a recipe for every night of the week, due to life getting in the way. Sometimes I may need to rely on restaurants to provide food for my tummy and do the dishes for me.

Please feel free to steal the recipes I post and please share if you tried the recipe yourself and what kind of adjustments you may have made. Also, feel free to recommend recipes to me. I am pretty adventurous with my cooking and sometimes people just want someones else to try it before they take the plunge.

That is all I have for now. Happy eating!

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