Monday, 28 January 2013

Meal Plan for Jan 28 - Jan 31

So, I am going out West to Edmonton AB to visit my baby bro and his wife. It will be my last HURRAH before I go back to work from Maternity leave. So, there will be no meal plan for next week, as I will be skiing and seeing beautiful mountain landscapes instead of cooking, haha!

When I am back to work, I still intend on meal planning, I just may not have time to post everyday during the week and I won't have as much time to make more complicated dishes that I am unfamiliar with. But, I will try to post at least once a week with my favorite dish that week or a favourite new recipe I found. So, please still come visit for some meal ideas. Most will be quick, easy and child friendly.

Here is my meal plan for this week: (click on the name for the link)

Meatless Monday - Pad Thai

Tuesday - Mashed Cauliflower and Cheese and Cracker-barrel Grilled Chicken Tenderloin

Wednesday - garlic butter sweet potato fries with creamy feta dip and Basil stuffed chicken

Thursday -  Seared steak fajitas

Friday - Nothing as I will be leaving on a jet plane!

EDIT: I didn't cook Wednesday or Thursday night, so I don't have any recipe reviews for those days. I will have to make these recipes another time.


  1. I would love to try homemade Pad Thai. Have had store made stuff. Can I have your recipe please!

    1. I will be posting the Pad Thai tonight, but if you want the original recipe, click on the name for the link
